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How to join

Annual membership

Membership is based on a calendar year, running from January 1 to December 31.

  • You can join at any time during the year.
  • You will receive all the benefits for that calendar year.

The easiest way to join or renew is to pay online at the Society shop.

Society shop

Alternatively, download the membership application and renewal form. Return the completed form by mail, accompanied with a cheque (Australian residents only) or international money order made out in Australian dollars.

Membership fees

  • Digital membership $40
  • Australia & New Zealand $50
  • Worldwide $70

All prices include postage and handling fees and are in Australian dollars.


  • The ’14-’18 Journaltwo volumes per year (printed copies; those with digital membership receive a PDF file)
  • Quarterly newsletter (PDF)
  • Online access to all back issues of the journal and newsletter
  • Online access to the Society’s digitised collections
  • Access to the Society’s library (conditions apply, access currently limited)
  • Varied programme of talks & events
  • Friendly and knowledgeable community
  • Voting rights at general meetings and the AGM